Monovariety Specialty Coffee

250 g / 0,55 lb / 8,8 oz

Travel to the best coffee regions in the world with our curated selection of specialty coffees. A rotating range with new origins introduced every 4 months, all of which have a SCA score higher than 80 points. Special QR supports are shown on the label to create a digital experience that tracks the history behind each cup.

Main properties:
The productor is passionate about the coffee process, they take care from the planting of the plant in the nurseries to the final shipment for export. They are present at every stage of coffee cultivation with care, authenticity and passion, with the aim of offering a unique cup and moment of consumption.

Consumer recommendations:
Designed for grinding at home and perfect for all types of coffee preparations: Espresso, Moka, Chemex, V60, etc. It also offers the choice of ground coffee or in packs of 10 compostable capsules.

Origin and characteristics:
Ethiopian coffee is often grown as garden coffee. This means that families grow coffee close to their homes and is often intercropped other plants.

These family groups take their crops to close-by Washing Stations in the area or in their community, where the coffee production processes are concentrated in order to achieve better sales conditions.

This range comes in compostable capsules compatible with the Nespresso System, as well as in 250g whole beans or ground coffee bags.

More Info:


ETHIOPIA (250g) Monovariety Specialty Coffee

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