cushionPaper™: replacing plastic is easy and economical.

cushionPaper™ reinvents corrugated cardboard and wins the challenge of sustainability with respect to all products currently used for packaging. An equal volume reduces CO2 emissions, avoids problems related to disposal and reduces the amount of paper needed to make a sheet of corrugated cardboard by up to 70%.

Thanks to its innovative shape produced by a revolutionary technology, cushionPaper™ satisfies all packaging needs in an exceptional way: protection, separation, blocking, wrapping and filling.

Replace plastic with cushionPaper™ products for packaging and packaging: discover the eco-sustainable alternative to bubble film, polystyrene, airbags, foams and polyurethane foam.

It is made with a production system that creates waves from 10 to 20 mm high and generates up to 50% more corrugation than traditional corrugated cardboard. The result is a material with unparalleled characteristics.

  • Extreme flexibility
  • Adaptation to any shape
  • Shock absorbing properties
  • Shock and vibration resistance
  • Longitudinal compressive strength

cushionPaper™ is supplied in convenient boxes, in reels from 6 to 10 meters long or in sheets from 20 cm to 1.2 meters wide.


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