Robotics in service of packaging

The end-of-line sector suffers from limitations due to bulky and scarcely versatile solutions.

With a view to continuous improvement and to overcome the problems arisen over the years, Logicon introduces a series of extremely versatile case packers, designed to handle multiple types of packages of different sizes, ensuring reduced dimensions, format changeovers, efficiency and automation at the highest levels.

The skillful application of robotics and automation ensures high performance in short times, by creating total solution systems, where the PLC and the robot installed in the machines are two peas in a pod.

INCA and RC case packers

INCA and RC case packers are efficient space-saving machines, each of which is designed to meet the specific required characteristics of packet, further packaging, product, and performance.

The format changeover system is fast, flexible, and fully automatic and ensures the correct positioning of the products regardless their type (packaging of cases, bags, jars, cans, etc.), through completely automatic adjustments.

The overall dimensions are always moderate, thanks to the customized realization also based on the size and available space and on the customer’s needs.

All models are carried out through some state-of-the-art technologies, which allow to obtain some machines featured by high performances and great precision.

Wrap Around case packers

In the Wrap Around line of case packers, the extended carton is wrapped and “shaped” around the packaging to create a compact and strong box, sealed with hot glue.

The folding and sealing of the carton around the product ensure greater compactness and integrity to the packaging, reducing eventual risks of damage to the packaging itself.

The case packers of the Wrap Around line are designed to pack diversified products (bags, boxes, jars, bottles, minor packaging, etc.) and they are also suitable for multiple types of packaging.

Small size and high performance, as well as the use of high-quality construction materials make Logicon Wrap Around case packers a reliable and highly efficient product.

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