Our company was founded in 1922 in Rome in via Salaria 56, in front of the historic "La Fenice" theater. Coffee was then an elite drink. In fact, after each theatrical performance, famous personalities and actors such as Edoardo and Peppino de Filippo, Renato Rascel and the Maggio brothers would come and sit in the atrium of the roasting plant to taste the famous blends prepared by the master roaster Leone Marziali. 

Over the years we have worked hard every day to continue our excellent roasting tradition, handing down this art to the new generations. 

We are also proud of our future-conscious choices represented bynew systems with low energy consumption and our promise to respect the environment: our drivers travel in methane-powered vans, our electric cars are powered by a solar system and our company has Organic and ISO 9001 certification.

© 2021 Fiera Milano SpA - P.IVA 13194800150
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