Bavaroise with Gelita MOF by chef Davide Pisano
Spreadable Gianduia Cream with MOF Gelita
Custard-full load with MOF Gelita
Pistachio mousse with W1 Gelita
Raspberry & Chocolate Jam with MOF Gelita
Gelita MOF Strawberry blancmange//Biancomangiare alla fragola
Gelita MOF Strawberry&peppers jam//Confettura gastronomica fragole&peperoni
Gelita MOF Peach&vanilla jam//Confettura pesca&vaniglia
Gelita MOF 4 chocolates bavarois//Bavarese ai 4 cioccolati
Gelita MOF - Lemon mousse//Mousse al limone
SoftIce Premium Video Guide
Gelita SoftIce Premium assembly
How a Gelita TRT is made
Gelita Sk - Where's Slovakia? Where's Gelita?
GELITA SOFTICE PREMIUM - Your machine for soft ice cream and frozen yogurt!
GELITA TRT Multifunction Gelato Machine